Friday, September 01, 2006

Women sues over her right to sex!

SHANGHAI (Reuters) - The Shanghai Daily reported yesterday that a Chinese court rejected a woman's 220,000 yuan ($27,650) claim for compensation for her sex life, which was ruined when her husband was injured in a workplace accident at a shopping center.

The husband stumbled and hit his genitals on the corner of some audio equipment (ooouch) when an iron bar fell from a vent and knocked his head while he was working in the shopping center.

The woman says that she was 30 when her husband had the accident and that since then her husband has suffered from erectile dysfunction, depriving her of her right to enjoy sexual life. The compensation included claims for mental anguish and for her purchases of products such as vibrators.


Blogger Keith said...

Cheaper to get a "New Hubby"...

11:31 PM  
Blogger Ron Amos said...

If it can be proven that a satifactory
sex life is a vital necessity for stress free living and if stress is the primary source of debilitating illness then she has a case. If I were the judge she would win hands down.

1:57 AM  
Blogger Jana Vent said...

What do you mean by "hands down" ron amos?

Chinese seem to be very sensitive chiadoctor!

7:22 PM  
Blogger Ron Amos said...

"Hands down" might be a localism, you put up your hands when you want to stop something, hands down means without
any objections, your hands are down..there is no protest, you have won "Hands Down!"

8:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why did she lose? I think she has a valid claim.

10:26 PM  

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