Blow up man women's best buddy
He fits in a car's glove box, appears at a flick of a switch and, when a woman has finished using him, she can just pull the plug and he deflates.
He's the "Buddy on Demand," a blow-up man launched in London with the aim of making solo female motorists feel less nervous about driving at night.

The Buddy on Demand is being offered to female Brit drivers by Sheilas' Wheels, the British car insurance company, with a somewhat Australian name (in Australia the women's name Sheila is an expression used to refer to all women, especially sexy looking ones). The life-size figure is being offered to deter road rage attacks, carjacking and intimidating behavior by other motorists. Buddy is stored in the glove box and fills with air in 60 seconds when connected to a car’s cigarette lighter socket.
Research by the car insurer shows that 4 out of 5 women (82%) say they feel safer behind the wheel when there’s someone sitting beside them – but of course it’s impossible to always travel with a partner, friend or relative. This is where having a ‘Buddy on Demand’ can reduce the fear associated with driving alone.
"We're not saying that an inflatable man is the only answer but we do hope it will give women extra confidence and make journeys in the dark less fearful," said Jacky Brown, spokeswoman for Sheilas' Wheels.
According to Wikipedia, and confirmed by a Brit friend of mine, Sheilas' Wheels is probably best known for its advertising jingle on its television advertisements, sung in a mock mixture of Australian and British accent. It is widely acclaimed as one of the most annoying adverts ever. To see the ad and hear the jingle, visit:, the official Sheilas' Wheels fan site.
For online insurance quotes visit Sheilas' Wheels and get a 10% discount.
A Follow On Story
Is the use of inflatable dolls while driving a new idea? Apparently not. In some parts of the world (e.g. US, Australia) motorists have placed inflatable dolls in the passenger seat to avoid fines for driving alone in car pool or express lanes; lanes limited to cars with more than one passenger at least during parts (e.g. peak hours) of the day. On this, I've read that police in the US train heat detectors on the passengers so the demand moved to inflatable dolls which give off a heat signal. As reported in Times Online, American police have caught drivers using their dogs to trick officers into thinking they were carrying a passenger and in California, a woman contested a fine on the ground that she was pregnant at the time and the unborn child was her passenger. Judge John Stipech in Denver, Colorado, fined a man $100 for dressing his mannequin named “Tillie” to make her look as realistic as possible and had her riding shotgun in his car as a decoy-passenger in the HOV (“high occupancy vehicle) lane of U.S. Highway 3. Judge Stipech did not stop there, continuing with his sentence that the man, Greg Pringle, 54, was also ordered to stand four one-hour sessions with his Tillie by the side of the Colorado highway with a large (4 ft by 2 ft) sign saying: “The HOV lane is not for dummies.” The judge added: “But remember, the dummy is not charged with anything.” Apparently, the Judge also ordered that any profits from Tillie's sale or if Pringle ends up on David Letterman’s show, then the proceeds must be donated to a driver safety awareness program.
Tillie was put up on ebay on March 20, 2006 with the proceeds going to Alive at 25, a driver safety awareness program. A company called Video Professor purchased the dummy on March 23, at the highest bid of US $15,000 and planned to take Tillie to various events and later auction her off again for charity.
See the website and read this Colorado State Patrol press release to see how Tillie became Colorado’s most famous dummy.